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Oven steamer

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About oven steamer


Discover the transformative power of oven steamers, a modern kitchen marvel that's redefining culinary norms. This innovative appliance employs hot steam instead of hot air to cook food, yielding healthier and more flavorful meals. This article will guide you through the mechanics, health benefits, and flavor-enhancing capabilities of oven steamers, a tool that's fast gaining popularity among professional chefs and home cooks alike.

Understanding Oven Steamers

An oven steamer, or steam oven, uses hot steam to cook food, a unique method that's becoming increasingly popular in contemporary kitchens. Steam ovens function by pulling water from a reservoir into an integrated boiler, heating it to 212 degrees Fahrenheit, and then releasing the steam into the oven cavity. This process is as efficient as the hot air in a traditional convection oven, and often even quicker. Steam ovens come in two varieties: standalone steam ovens and combination steam and convection ovens.

How Oven Steamers Work

Steam ovens operate by drawing water from a reservoir into an integrated boiler, where it's heated to 212 degrees Fahrenheit and then released as steam into the oven. This superheated steam cooks food as efficiently as the hot air in convection ovens, often even faster. Some high-end models can connect directly to a water line, eliminating the need for refilling the tank after each use. However, most oven steamers require no special hookups - simply plug it in, fill the water tank, and start cooking.

Types of Oven Steamers

Steam ovens come in two types: standalone steam ovens and combination steam and convection ovens. A combination steam oven, or combi steam oven, functions as both a regular oven and a steam oven. Many manufacturers have focused on building combination steam ovens that offer the benefit of using convection for browning and steam for cooking. Ovens without the convection feature do not brown while cooking. Steam ovens range in price, with countertop units typically being less expensive than built-in models.

The Health Benefits of Using an Oven Steamer

Steam cooking, a method with roots in ancient China, is renowned for producing healthy, flavorful food. It reduces cholesterol levels by removing fat from meats, unlike frying or grilling which cook fat into the meat. Steam cooking also preserves the natural properties of vegetables, maintaining their texture, taste, color, and freshness. Moreover, it retains about 50% more essential minerals and vitamins than other cooking methods. Lastly, steam cooking is faster and more energy-efficient, leading to quicker cooking times and lower energy usage.

Preserving Nutrients in Food

Steaming is a highly nutritious cooking method that retains a significant amount of water-soluble vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients. Vitamin C and folate, two water-soluble vitamins, are greatly retained while being steamed compared to other cooking methods. The heat distribution through a steam oven is more even than other appliances, preventing hot spots from developing in dishes. Additionally, dietary fiber can maintain its integrity due to the even and swift cooking of steam ovens, promoting a variety of health benefits.

Reducing the Need for Oils and Fats

Steam cooking, as with oven steamers, has been found to help lower cholesterol levels in several ways. It aids in the removal of fat from meats like pork or lamb so that it can be easily removed after cooking. Unlike frying and grilling, which tend to cook excess fat into the meat itself, steam cooking reduces the meat’s total fat content. Once the fat is removed after steam cooking, the meat consumed then has a lower cholesterol level, providing fewer calories and a reduced overall fat level.

Enhancing the Taste of Your Meals with an Oven Steamer

Steaming food in an oven steamer can significantly enhance the taste of your meals. By steaming over flavored liquids like wine, beer, or broth, you can infuse extra flavor without adding calories. Adding flavorings like lemon peel, dill, rosemary, or garlic to the steaming liquid can further elevate the taste. You can also use spice rubs or marinades to add flavor to your food before steaming. Another method is to steam food in parchment paper, which seals in flavors and gently cooks the food with the steam built up inside.

How Steam Enhances Flavor

Steaming foods over flavored liquids such as wine, beer, and broth can infuse extra flavor without added calories. Lemon peel and dill sprigs are natural partners for fish, while rosemary sprigs and sliced garlic go well with chicken or potatoes. Additionally, a rub of ground spices can enhance the flavor of fish or chicken fillets. Steaming food in parchment paper, a technique called en papillote, also seals in flavors, making your meals tastier.

Examples of Dishes Improved by Steam Cooking

Steaming is a superior cooking method that enhances the taste and preserves the nutrients of various dishes. Some examples of dishes improved by steam cooking include Shanghai dumplings, Chicken bao (steamed buns), Steamed leeks with spinach and haloumi, Steamed Chinese-style pork meatballs, Quick gado gado, Steamed golden syrup pudding, Lime and coriander chicken with spinach, Steamed fish with ginger and spring onions, Scallops with black beans and chilli, and Chicken and shiitake dumplings. These dishes not only highlight the versatility of steam cooking but also its ability to bring out the best in a wide range of ingredients.

Practical Tips for Using an Oven Steamer

Using a steam oven is a simple, three-step process. First, insert your food. Second, set your timer. Finally, wait for your food to cook. There's minimal cleanup involved, making it a practical choice for busy individuals. Additionally, you can transform virtually all of your favorite recipes into steam oven recipes. Just remember to set your timer for a shorter time than you would with a regular oven. A steam oven allows you to cook large quantities of food at once, making it a practical choice for large meals.

Choosing the Right Foods for Steam Cooking

One of the best things about steaming food is that you can cook a wide variety of food items. To incorporate steamed food into your regular diet, try steaming your favorite vegetables or fish for a quick and healthy meal. You can also experiment with different flavors and spices to enhance the taste of your steamed food. Steaming is a healthy and delicious way to cook food. It's easy to do, and you can cook a wide variety of food items with it.

Maintaining Your Oven Steamer

Maintaining your oven steamer is crucial for its longevity and performance. Regular cleaning prevents build-up and keeps it smelling fresh. Wipe the inside after each use to reduce the need for deep cleaning. For thorough cleaning, steam is an effective, non-toxic method to remove dirt and odors. If needed, household products or caustic cleaners can be used. Always use gloves and avoid products that your oven's manufacturer advises against. Remember, keeping your oven steamer clean not only ensures its functionality but also contributes to the quality of your meals.


In conclusion, oven steamers are a game-changer in the culinary world. They offer a unique cooking method that not only enhances the flavor of your meals but also preserves essential nutrients, making your dishes healthier. With the ability to steam over flavored liquids, you can infuse extra taste into your food without adding calories. Moreover, the practicality of using an oven steamer, from its simple operation to easy maintenance, makes it a valuable addition to any kitchen. Whether you're cooking a simple weeknight dinner or a grand feast, an oven steamer can elevate your cooking experience, making every meal a gastronomic delight.